Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In honor of leap day: Give some love to kids working to save the most endangered frog in the US

According to the red list, the dusky gopher frog is one of the most critically endangered frog species in North America.  At one time, you could find this frog in the southern coastal plain from Louisiana to Mississippi.  Now, there are less than 250 left in two ponds in Mississippi.

When I buzzed around the web looking for a any non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the frog, I found something much more inspirational: a group of middle-school students in Gulfport, Mississippi that took it upon themselves to save the frog species.  Meet the Commodore Climate Changers:

"Three of the students found this Mississippi gopher frog online," she said. "It has only one habitat in the United States and it is here." 
Friday was the first day for the students to visit the site where they cut underbrush to make way for grass.
 These students are doing work on the ground to restore habitat, as well as increasing awareness in their school.

Give 'em some love on their facebook page.

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